Tuesday, May 24, 2011

New Pricing for 2011-2012

Hey guys! I have collaborated with my father, AKA the business guru, and have come up with my new pricing for the 2011-2012 year. First off, I'd like to thank every one of my amazing friends and customers who have booked me in this past year! Wow! You guys have totally helped (and are continuing to help) shape me as a photographer. Thank you for your patience and business. I love you all! 

Now, continuing on....new prices...

I have raised my prices for a number of reasons and I wish to explain why so people don't freak out or wonder why in the world I am doing so. hahaha After I began getting more serious about this whole photography thing, I didn't realize just how much WORK it would be. We'll use a senior session for example: Your session lasts roughly 1-2 hours (more if we really get into it. lol), I typically drive a distance to meet you there, I typically take about 500+ photos during your session, I come home and download those photos, I go through each one and figure out which ones turned out and which did not...I edit the photos I deem acceptable (can be up to 100+ photos), I put them all in black & white as well (I don't HAVE to do this, but I choose to because I would want choices. lol). Editing alone can take up to 10 hours...I edit out your blemishes, give you smooth skin, enhance those beautiful baby blue eyes to make them sparkle just right, etc. Then, I burn you a disc and meet you somewhere to give them to you. I've spent hours and hours on your session and...I've kinda become attached to those babies. hahaha

Like I said...WORK. haha So, I'm raising my prices. It makes me nervous and scared and leaves me wondering whether or not people will still want me, but I've got to do it. lol So check out the tabs, "Portrait Session Pricing" for seniors, families, children, etc. and "Wedding Packages" for wedding prices. If you want to book me for an event, just email me at hndavisphotography@gmail.com and we'll talk about prices.

ALSO!!!!!! I have a SmugMug account in which starting in August, I will be putting your photos on there so that you can order prints. =) The web address is hndphotography.smugmug.com!



  1. I forgot to mention!!!! These new prices will begin July 2011.

  2. Hi Hannah! I was just wondering if you have any wedding pictures on your smugmug account?
